
Yoga and Meditation


Yoga and Meditation

The Villa and its precious staff will take care of your stay in the structure by offering a harmonious path of meditation and yoga activities, mixed with a balanced and balanced diet with every type of need and desire.

The offer of these activities seeks to offer moments of peace and harmony with close people, with the surrounding environment and with oneself.

Among the various activities it is also proposed that of a “bath in the woods” through the infamous Japanese technique Shinrin Yoku.

Immerse yourself in the woods to cultivate happiness and live longer.


1 ora di lezione

Mezz'ora di meditazione

Tappetino e asciugamano


L'offerta di queste attività vuole cercare di offrire momenti di pace e armonia con le persone vicine, con l'ambiente circostante e con se stessi. Tra le varie attività si propone anche quella di un "bagno nei boschi" attraverso la famigerata tecnica giapponese  Shinrin Yoku.

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