Our products
Our company stands out for having chosen an ethical and sustainable production, we do not use chemicals and we leave room for the natural path of production by focusing on a quality result for the consumer and for our planet.
The nutritional properties of our oil are incredible, the olive harvest is done by hand, with a lot of patience and dedication. The olives are then pressed at a facility near our company, where tradition is combined with quality and professionalism. The experience of pressing, which takes place between October and November, is something unique in which our guests are invited to participate.
Our honey is the result of the hard and assiduous work of the most hardworking of our “workers”, our fantastic bees.
We will never know how much and how they will work during the season, but every year they allow us to experience and let you taste their product, which is a sensory journey through all degrees of pleasure
Degustazione dei nostri prodotti
Breve descrizione di come vengono prodotti
Visita in campo aperto
Aperitivo di degustazione
We thought it would be nice to spend a day rediscovering ancient traditions, like kneading fresh pasta using the ingredients that mother nature gives us thanks to the cultivation of the land of Villa Giuncheto.
The offer of these activities wants to try to offer moments of peace and harmony with close people, with the surrounding environment and with oneself. Among the various activities is also proposed that of a "bath in the woods" through the infamous Japanese technique Shinrin Yoku. Immerse yourself in the woods to cultivate happiness and live longer.